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If there's one thing we knowit's how to spot a good piece of audio, lighting, or video gear -- and we're experts at testing every piece of new gear to see it's true worth.


Our engineering staff is deeply familiar with every piece of gear we own, and they know how to expertly deploy all of it.  We don't just send out a truck full of stuff and figure it out as we go -- we specialize in carefully selecting from our inventory to pair the right gear with the right gig. 


Every piece of equipment that comes through the door at Logic Systems goes through rigorous testing to be vetted by our crew, and we never put our trust in equipment that we haven't pushed to the limit ourselves.  


We're proud of the gear we've hand-selected to carry in our shop.  Click through earn more about the folks who make the gear we rely on to produce our exceptional work.


Are you a product rep with something exceptional you think belongs in our inventory?  Feel free to contact us to arrange a demo.  Be forewarned:  our crew asks tough questions!

© 2024 Logic Systems   
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